Our farm is now closed.

Straw bales and bagged firewood are still available for purchase.

Thank you for a wonderful “2024 farewell season” at the farm ♥


Our 2019 Season begins!

Posted on: August 5th, 2019 by Shantz Family Farm

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Here we are at the start of our 2019 season! Hard to believe!! Quite a bit has happened since we successfully completed our 2018 season.

On May 1, 2019 our dear Aunt Dorothy passed away (we purchased the farm from her – she was married to Kevin’s Uncle Mel (who passed away in 2005) and they were both like grandparents to our children). Over the years they had both helped so much in our farm business…we know that they were both very proud of the legacy that lives on here at the farm!

On June 15, 2019 we welcomed another son-in-law into our family when our daughter Natalie married Keith. They are happy to be living in a home that we have on our farm property.

On July 27, 2019 we welcomed son-in-law #4 into our family when our daughter Heidi married Jonathon (here on the farm…in a wheat field near the back of our property).

Our family is expanding and changing. Although our house seems to be getting emptier, our family certainly isn’t! We welcome these changes and wonder how this might affect our farm life in the coming years…we’ll have to see!

With a wet spring and crazy weather, we’re off to a bit later start with sweet corn this year, but we’ve had lots of heat to bring it on now! As we begin this 2019 harvest season, we look forward to all that it brings our way!! Hope to see you here at the farm!

9 Responses

  1. Susan says:

    When does pumpkin season begin, and the maze/wagon rides?

  2. Rhonda says:

    When are the pumpkin pies available? Your pies are the highlight of the fall. Thanks

    • Shantz Family Farm says:

      Sorry for the late reply – if you haven’t already been here, they are available on the weekends, until the end of October. Hope that helps!

  3. Vanessa Pacheco says:

    Is the wagon ride available and seeing the animals??

    • Shantz Family Farm says:

      sorry for the late reply – wagon rides are offered on the weekends as Farmer Kevin is available (depending on weather & other work on the farm), usually on the hour, but that can always change. The animals are excited for visitors! We are open until Nov 1st. Hope to see you here!

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